Saturday, June 02, 2007

Everybody talks about it

How come the weather person on TV is there every day? She gives us the seven day forecast—why come back the next day? We have the seven day forecast. We know what’s going to happen. Come back in a week and give us the weather for the next seven days.

It doesn’t work that way, though.

Oh—another thing. Why do they tell us what happened today? We lived through it. We already know that. We want to know about tomorrow.

I barely remember this, but apparently when the networks decided to have news at all, they allotted fifteen minutes for it each night. Now you can watch it 24/7 if you care to. Maybe we should go back to fifteen minutes. They could probably cover all the important stuff in that time without commercials.

Honest to goodness, now the local stations cover lost dogs returned to their owners. Maybe that’s human interest. At least for any dogs within earshot of the TV.

My dog has it too good to get himself lost. Each Saturday he gets a greenie. That’s a good thing. He loves them, and they’re supposed to help clean his teeth. It’s to the point now that he expects his treat to be delivered early in the day. When it’s not forthcoming, he gets a little peevish. Last weekend it was late in the afternoon and he still hadn’t gotten his greenie. He came over to me expectantly, and I asked him if he wanted a treat. He looked at me and tossed head and snorted like a horse!

He got his treat.

We had our own treat today. Air conditioning. I tried to turn it on the other day and nothing happened. We had the guy scheduled to come out today anyway, so we just sweltered (do people “swelter” or it that just “days”?) a little longer. Turned out just to be a blown fuse. It was 81 degrees in the house and it took about twelve hours to bring it down to 70.

Kathy found me out on the deck reading and said, “You ought to cut the grass because it’s going to rain.” She had been watching the weather forecast apparently. So I dutifully resisted the idea and finally gave in to her superior logic.

The western sky was indeed darkening by the minute, so I was quite pleased with myself and Kathy was quite pleased with herself when I finished.

Then the sun came out. The storm clouds drifted north and missed us entirely.

Sure enough. I checked the seven day from three days ago. It said it might rain. Or it might not.


At Saturday, June 02, 2007 8:07:00 PM, Blogger Dallas said...

Great post. I like your "deep thoughts". Wish we were sweltering up here. Soon I guess. So far it has been nothing but rain. Phoning on Monday to buy myself some "light therapy" so I can trick my mind into thinking it is summer. Hee Hee.

At Saturday, June 02, 2007 9:12:00 PM, Blogger Darlene Schacht said...

I'll have to get that "light therapy" info from Tink when she gets it. I'll let her do the calling. :)

We had a day like that today too. I thought that it would rain for sure, but then the clouds drifted just west of us. Someone must have got it. haha

At Monday, June 04, 2007 1:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We consider 81 is air-conditioned!

At Monday, June 04, 2007 9:27:00 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Here the westher forcast is always wrong. I still dutifully check it on the BBC website every morning, basically so that I can plan my outfit for the day - how vain is that?! Sometimes my Dad and I watch it on the news but that is only to diss the Weather Girl's outfit. She was hired for the job because she has a pretty face and pretty 'other parts'.


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