Saturday, April 21, 2007

News from Virginia Tech

I almost cannot watch the news from Virginia Tech. It's too much to take in. We had something on a much smaller scale happen at a university up the street from ours (Case Western Reserve) a couple of years ago. A deranged graduate student killed a security guard in a building on campus. The gunman was looking for another student whom he accused of destroying some computer data. He never found the other guy and he was captured alive by the police. The really scary thing is that this same guy had been in our offices some months before, looking for help finding a job.

The one person who stands out for me from Virginia Tech was the holocaust survivor who helped save some people before he himself was killed. To have gone through so much before in his life, only to have it end like that is tragic beyond words to me.

Some in my family are upset by the air time that they gave the killer. I was too busy listening to his rants to figure out what made him do that to think that maybe he was getting undue attention.

I was out of town for two days last week at a business meeting with other college counselors, and when I was in an airport on Friday afternoon, I saw the news reports about the guy in the NASA building. Then when I got home, I heard that many bomb threats had been called in to local high schools. Sounds like Muslim extremists are not the only terrorists we have to contend with here.


At Sunday, April 22, 2007 1:49:00 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Since I heard the news of this event I have often wondered how it has affected your work situation...and the students and staff around you. Senseless, but obviously not to the perpatrator. You are right, evil is not limited to certain people groups. I can only imagine the depth of heartbreak that is being experienced right now.


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