Thursday, May 17, 2007

Just picking up some clothes

I met the most interesting man tonight. I was up at church to dig out the big vinyl sign that we use to advertise our Social Justice Group rummage sale. When I went back to the office, there was a message for me that said that someone had some clothes to donate for the sale, but that we had to send someone to pick them up.

It was a nice sunny evening, so I called the man, whose name was Cliff, and said I could come out right away. He gave me very precise directions to the assisted living building where he lived. “Go in the corner parking lot, not the nursing home lot. We are NOT the nursing home. Go in the door in the corner. There’s a sign that says go left, but forget about that. Go in the corner door and ask someone how to get to my apartment.”

I found the place just as he had described it, went in the door and saw the stairs leading to his place on the second floor. He had some coats and a laundry basket of folded sheets, some women’s boots and hats. His wife had died a couple of weeks ago and he was planning to move out to San Diego soon, so he was trying to clear some things out.

It turns out that he and his wife were part of the group that founded our Social Justice organization back in the ‘70’s. He mentioned that in passing, as we were getting the clothes together. He was very well spoken and very sharp for someone in their 80’s. I asked him what sort of work he had done, and sure enough, he had been an electrical engineer. I said, I knew it! Just by his way of thinking and manner of speaking, I figured he was an engineer. Plus, he had every electronic toy known to man in that tiny apartment.

I started to take the coats off the hangars and I looked at him and asked, “Did you check the pockets?” He looked surprised and replied, “No, I didn’t think of that.” So we put them on the couch and he went through each one. He searched coat after coat, finding nothing. “No money yet?”, I kidded him. Finally, he did find something, reaching into one pocket and pulling out a TV remote! He explained that in her last days, his wife suffered from dementia, and would put things away “inappropriately”, as he said.

There was one pocket he missed, so I quietly poked around in it and pulled out a string belt for a robe, a rosary and finally some money—there was a quarter in there too.

As I was leaving, a woman neighbor stopped by to remind Cliff that it was time for nickel poker downstairs. Good thing we searched those pockets.


At Friday, May 18, 2007 2:14:00 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

What an interesting account. After my mum died, we found all sorts of treasure hidden away in her pockets. Isn't it something that he still has a heart for the organization he had helped to found in earlier years. And yes.....he was obviously in for a good poker night with his quarter! Did he have an 'engineer's shirt' on as well? My friends and I always call those plaid shirts 'engineer shirts' mainly because they are married to engineers and that is their clothing of choice!

At Saturday, May 19, 2007 1:32:00 AM, Blogger John Cowart said...

Blessing on you for being so kind. You're a good man, John.

At Saturday, May 19, 2007 7:33:00 PM, Blogger agoodlistener said...

Rebecca, sorry--no engineer shirt. He probably had a pocket protector somewhere, though.

John--pshaw! Twarn't nuthin'.

At Tuesday, May 22, 2007 7:33:00 PM, Blogger Darlene Schacht said...

I wonder how long they looked for that remote! We looked for my kids bathing suit for over an hour this winter as we were leaving for vacation. You know where the stinker put it? Inside his globe! Who would look in there? We didn't find it of course till a few months went by.

At Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:33:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked reading this. You captured a lot about that man and his wife, their life and long years.

When the TV remote is missing in our house, my bathrobe pocket is one of the places to check. Actually, quite a logical place for it to be.


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