Battling malware, treating myself
I have been battling some extremely malicious malware on my computer—something that rendered it virtually useless, so I haven’t been a good correspondent lately. The worm I had would put up irritating notices about my computer being under attack, and then would try to get me to buy some bogus antivirus package (“Spyware Protect 2009”). This thing was so insidious that it would not let me go to to get the solution. Eventually any browser I would use would be shut down immediately by this program.
If it happens to you, go straight to and get the free version and do a complete scan of your computer to clean everything out.
Even now, there is still something wrong, since when I click a link in a Google search, IE will go to some random site and not the link I wanted.
Anyway, I decided to get a new printer, since the color stopped working on my current one. I don’t do a lot of printing, and I probably could have limped along with this one for a while but someone else offered to buy it for me, so how could I refuse?
After dithering about it for a week or so, researching HP, Canon, reading reviews (“Love it!”…”Hate it!”…”Waste of money!”…”Fabulous color!”…”Blows through ink cartridges like crazy!”…”Wonderful buy!”), I decided to stay with Lexmark after all. When I bought my Dell six years ago, a LexmarkX75 (scan-copy-print) came with it for free. The darn thing has been plugging along all this time with no problems. Soon Amazon will ship a brand spanking new Lexmark X7675 All-in-One Printer.
HP seemed to have humongous drivers, poor ink management and set up headaches. At least, that’s what stood out for me in the reviews. I have an HP at work and it’s fine if you don’t mind all the clicking and clacking it goes through before producing a document. We have two older HP 2500’s with footprints like dinosaurs that rotate four big toner cartridges, cycling them all through before it spits out what you want. Also, there are approximately forty-two skillion models of HP printers and I just started to get lost after a while.
Canon was a possibility. I had a small Canon back in the 90’s with my first home computer and it worked fine. I guess I didn’t want to pay for features I won’t use, like fax or super dupe photo printing. (I use my Canon Selphy for quick 4x6 prints.) Wireless—I also don’t care about wireless since I don’t have a network at home, and the wireless feature seemed to add fifty bucks to the price.
Today, fourteen hours after I bought the printer, I checked on Amazon and saw that the price had dropped by 32 dollars! I was mad—how stupid! I should have waited till today! But I used that cool feature Amazon has now where they call you—and I clicked the button and my phone immediately rang. I thought it was my sister in law and I was about to tell her I had to get off the phone, and here it was a nice lady in India calling from Amazon. She adjusted my account and I got the new price. I was very pleased.
So, here I’ve gone and spoiled myself again. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.
It all sounds so complicated to me..all these technical decisions one has to make...I did however manage to order my own new computer a while arrived recently and now I am going to have to try and figure it out....these are the moments I wish I did not live alone!
You might have the notorious "conficker" worm. There are instructions online for removal (google "remove conficker"), but I'm not sure any of them really work. It's a very stubborn virus.
My husband says he is going to get me a laptop stand so I stop slumping over my laptop. My posture at the computer is terrible.
As for printers, I agree with avoiding HP. At least their consumer line printers -- huge ink costs, low quality. Just not worth the trouble. The old, heavy HP laserjets, however, were office stalwarts and apparently can last forever (if you don't mind slow and noisy.)
Computers drive me crazy!
I feel I want to get work done and end up spending inordinate amounts of time studying how to work the machine instead. Drives me nuts.
There's a reason they call that little moving arrow a Cusser!
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