Stay tuned
Lately, we have been deluged with coverage by the television stations and newspapers since the economy is the big news these days. One station taped a staff meeting a week ago; on Monday I have to call a reporter about a question she had. So who comes to our Government Career Day? A television crew! They wanted to interview me about what we were doing that day, since they didn’t have anything like it in their country—Russia! So I was interviewed by a Russian TV crew. A woman would ask me to explain what all the people were doing at the event, and I tried. Then, she would ask for clarification, since the concept was so foreign to them. I’m still not sure I was able to communicate in terms their audience could understand. Later, I thought it was kind of funny that they didn’t know what I meant by a government “agency”—come on—you’re from Russia! Surely you know what the word “government” means. Later, Kathy said I should have said, “Bureau” and that would have made more sense.
All this meant lots of standing and walking, and by Saturday, I just couldn’t move anymore. I slept a lot, went to Mass with Kathy. I read the part of the “Speaker” in the Passion. I scheduled myself deliberately for that part, since all I have to do is say “I will not betray you!” a couple times, and a few other lines, with conviction, of course.
Today will not be a day of rest, though. It’s Palm Sunday and food packing day for Social Justice. With the change in the Mass schedule, we can start an hour early, and we should have plenty of help, since the cub scouts have again offered their services.
Wow...that was a real cross-culural challenge...
there is so much misunderstanding that takes place because of a few words!
Are you going to recieve a tape os said interview? That would be intersting to all of us.
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